Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: AM/FM Dear AM/FM reader, As you have probably noticed by now, AM/FM can now be started from workbench, if you have already booted your harddisk or your workbench disk, and wish to start reading AM/FM without resetting and booting with the AM/FM disk. We have tried to make the workbench-startup of AM/FM as user- and system-friendly as possible, and we certainly hope it will work on all systems. The script which is executed when you double-click the AM/FM icon, should also put everything back to normal when you're done reading and want to return to your everyday Amiga-business. When you're ready to return to your system, simply press CTRL-C to exit AM/FM. Needless to say though, we haven't had a chance to test it with every possible kind of memory configuration, kick start version, harddisk devices etc. etc., so if you encounter any problems, please drop us a note about it and we will try to fix it for the next issue. AM/FM